Donate Now

It is now possible to conveniently support Calvary with a one-time gift or on a continuing basis through recurring gifts of $25, $50, $75, $100 or more.  Monthly giving will make a difference in our children’s lives. These gifts help with our daily needs such as food, clothing, education and medical needs. Register today to contribute year-round and help change a life!

Memorial/Honor Gift

For Memorial and Honor gifts, acknowledgments are sent to both you and the person you choose to receive notification of recognition. The amount of the gift is only indicated on the receipt card sent to you, the donor.

Additionally, the names of Memorial and Honor gift designees will be included in the Calvary Children’s Home newsletter.

Memorial Gift

 Car Donation

Caring families donating their used vehicles also supports our children. Several of our young people have had the opportunity to have their own transportation for college because of the sharing spirit of the families in our community.

Car Donation

Commemorative Brick

In response to requests by several of our friends, we are pleased to have revived our commemorative brick program. Through your tax-deductible gift of $125.00, we will recognize your loved one or friend with a beautiful commemorative brick proudly and permanently displayed on our campus.

Commemorative Brick