When did we open?

Calvary Children’s Home was founded in 1966 by the late Rev. Ben F. Turner. Calvary Children’s Home is a home for children in the Metro Atlanta area that need to live apart from their families. We provide a safe, loving, Christian home for our children while providing a stable home life. We seek to give the children entrusted to our care the very skills, education, and values that allow them to become responsible, productive members of society. Attending church, local schools, and participating in after school and community activities also provides a sense of security and gives our children experience in the many areas, they will need to become productive citizens in their community.

1. How do your children come to you?

Our children come to us through a variety of ways. The most common would be for a legal guardian, who has legal custody, to place the child with us. There are many reasons for placement, but the one thing that is the same is the children who come to us need us.

2. What is the typical time a child stays with you and what is their plan of care?

We accept children between the ages of 6-14 into care. We will consider an older or younger child in a sibling situation. The children we accept enter care on a 2-year plan of care and can remain in care with annual reviews of the individualized plans of care. We would consider a 1-year contract depending on the family situation. Most of our children have been with us for significantly longer than two years and many stay with us after high school in our Transitional Resident Program.

Calvary’s plans of care focus on the following areas for each child in our care. Since no child has exactly the same needs; our staff works with the Program Director to customize the plan of care to ensure their individual needs are addressed through:

Residential Care, Social Services, Spiritual Development, Educational Opportunities, Counseling Services, Medical Services, and Recreation.

3. Where does my support go?

Calvary operates with sound stewardship principles to ensure we remain debt free and over 80% of every dollar goes directly to the care of our children.

The most basic costs to raise one child for one year is as follows (estimate):


$ 1,200

Per Year



$ 3,500

Per Year



$ 4,300

Per Year



$ 3,000

Per Year


TotalTotal Cost Per Year

$ 12,000

Per Year


4. What is a Houseparent?

If you have a desire to work with children and a calling to work in ministry with your spouse, Houseparenting at Calvary Children’s Home may be the right fit for you. Being a Houseparent couple is a mission calling. It is a parental and mission-oriented calling to work with hurting children, a calling to help children heal from their past hurts and discover a purpose for their future; grounded on the foundation of a strong faith.

The Housparenting couple role at Calvary is the backbone of our ministry. The Houseparents are role models teaching our children what a mom and dad look like in the biblical model of the family. Houseparents come from different career and financial backgrounds and represent many walks of life. What they have in common is a desire to serve the Lord, a positive attitude, a curious spirit, patience, strong moral character, compassion, dedication, determination, and most importantly, a desire to biblically parent children who have no traditional family of their own.

Calvary believes biblical parenting is a calling. Our Houseparents carry out that role full-time and dedicate their lives to helping children heal and teaching children what a strong, biblical family structure looks like. Houseparents have the potential to make generational change in the lives of the children in their care. Children who are taught the Godly family model have a much better chance of teaching the same to their future families. This can create generational change that Housparents are a part of.

To learn more about this opportunity please call us at 770-794-1500 or send us an email at info@calvarykids.org.

5. How do I become a Houseparent?

To learn more about becoming a Houseparent you can contact us at info@calvarykids.org or fill out the inquiry form by clicking here.

6. Where does your funding come from?

Calvary receives no federal or state funding. We are supported through the kindness of individuals, churches, foundations, civic groups, and businesses.

Calvary began debt free in 1966 and has remained debt free for 56 years.

7. What church do you attend?

Our children and staff, when on duty, attend Calvary Baptist Church in Powder Springs, GA.

8. What schools do your children attend?

  • North Cobb Christian-several of our children have been blessed to receive full scholarships to attend NCCS.
  • Cobb County Public Schools
    • Kemp Elementary
    • Lost Mountain Middle School
    • Hillgrove High School

9. Campus Life

Calvary Children’s Home is located on thirteen acres in Powder Springs, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta. Our beautiful campus contains both woodland and large open spaces making it the perfect location for children to run, play, and live. Located at the entrance to the property is the administrative office, which contains the cafeteria and computer learning center. Just a short walk away are the four residential cottages, one for girls, two for boys, and one for our Transitional Residents. Calvary is also blessed to have a gymnasium, activities pavilion, and modern playground for our children’s enjoyment.


10. How can I help?

There are many ways you can help. More information can be found on our Ways to Help page. Ways to Help!


It is now possible to conveniently support Calvary year-round. Gifts of $25, $50, $100 or more on a continuing basis will make a difference in our children’s lives. These gifts help with our daily needs such as food, clothing, education and medical needs

Click Here to make a generous donation.