For generations, summertime has been a season anticipated with joy and expectation. For children, it is a window of refreshment and the absence of school schedules and educational requirements including that dreaded homework. In their lives, it is a short span where they can be carefree and live apart from the demands of their schools and just be kids.
This summer our children participated in so many adventures. Some attended an FCA outdoor camp where they learned archery, shotgun shooting and all things lake and campfire. They came back singing those campfire songs to the top of their lungs. Some stretched themselves and played summer sports. We have 6 boys in football who can tell you about every tackle they have made, and every yard gained. One of our freshman boys got to carry the ball in a Varsity game. He only gained one yard and was tossed like a ragdoll by the much larger players. The first thing he told his houseparent that night was “Did you see my run? I didn’t fumble!” Special memories for sure.
Additionally, our children attended Strong Rock Camp in Cleveland, Georgia. This is a two -week experience that is literally like something you would see in a movie. So much is learned and gained through this experience and many weeks later, you can still hear the principles taught at this Christian Camp rolling down the hallways in our children’s conversations.
In another spectacular act of kindness, North Cobb Christian School has made a path for most of our High School students to attend this school of excellence. It is a much more therapeutic environment for our children who come from broken places. God has been so good.
Calvary is grateful for the support of our friends. With your continued support Our goal is to multiply Calvary’s impact in the community by bringing more children into care and by expanding existing programs to make a generational impact in the lives of our children and the communities they live in.
Psalm 118:23
“This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.”