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2022 Impact Letter

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Your support over the last 56 years has helped to ensure generations of children have a safe, loving, Christian environment where each child is presented with the opportunity and resources to rebuild their foundation, begin the process of overcoming the hurt and disappointments of their past and begin building towards a brighter future.

Your support helps us to deliver on our promise to make each child feel safe, loved, and to help them acknowledge the difficulty of their individual situations. You are helping to make a difference in the lives of the children we serve, and we are blessed to call you, our friends!

Calvary is grateful for the support of our friends. With your continued support Our goal is to multiply Calvary’s impact in the community by bringing more children into care and expanding existing programs to make a generational impact in the lives of our children and the communities they live in.

Psalm 118:23

“This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.”

2022 was an exciting year for Calvary!

  • Calvary served the long-term residential needs of 23 children and Transitional Residents.
  • Calvary Children’s Home takes no state or federal funding and operates 100% debt free.
  • Our girls were able to move into their new cottage in February, opening their previous cottage and increasing overall program capacity.
  • Four children added (8 male, 9 female, 13 female, 13 female)
  • One high school graduate-entered our Transitional Resident program and enrolled in a local college.
  • Two of our Transitional Residents are enrolled in college, one local and one is attending Champion Bible College in Arkansas.
  • Two seniors at Hillgrove High School who will be entering the next phase of our Transitional Resident program (one into vocational training, one exploring college).
  • Seven children have received full scholarships to North Cobb Christian School.
  • Seven children participated in organized team sports with one participating in the arts.
  • Calvary provided/procured over 25,000 meals to feed our children.
  • Five children received orthodontic care.
  • Over 100 medical appointments provided.
  • 1650 hours tutoring provided.
  • 825 counseling/therapy hours provided.
  • Four children, 15 or older, working part-time.


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For generations, summertime has been a season anticipated with joy and expectation. For children, it is a window of refreshment and the absence of school schedules and educational requirements including that dreaded homework. In their lives, it is a short span where they can be carefree and live apart from the demands of their schools and just be kids.

This summer our children participated in so many adventures. Some attended an FCA outdoor camp where they learned archery, shotgun shooting and all things lake and campfire. They came back singing those campfire songs to the top of their lungs. Some stretched themselves and played summer sports. We have 6 boys in football who can tell you about every tackle they have made, and every yard gained. One of our freshman boys got to carry the ball in a Varsity game. He only gained one yard and was tossed like a ragdoll by the much larger players. The first thing he told his houseparent that night was “Did you see my run? I didn’t fumble!” Special memories for sure.

Additionally, our children attended Strong Rock Camp in Cleveland, Georgia. This is a two -week experience that is literally like something you would see in a movie. So much is learned and gained through this experience and many weeks later, you can still hear the principles taught at this Christian Camp rolling down the hallways in our children’s conversations.

In another spectacular act of kindness, North Cobb Christian School has made a path for most of our High School students to attend this school of excellence. It is a much more therapeutic environment for our children who come from broken places. God has been so good.

Fall Newsletter 2022

Calvary is grateful for the support of our friends. With your continued support Our goal is to multiply Calvary’s impact in the community by bringing more children into care and by expanding existing programs to make a generational impact in the lives of our children and the communities they live in.

Psalm 118:23

“This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.”

2022 Annual Golf Tournament

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Calvary would like to thank everyone who supported our children by participating in this year’s golf tournament. We set some amazing marks that will be admirable targets to hit in the coming years.

  • Record revenue of $114,300!
  • Our Team Sponsor slots (Title, Platinum, Gold, and Team) filled up in record time. We did not have to advertise to the public because of your loyal support! We had 10 tens on the waiting list!
  • First year for our silent auction was a huge success…Thank you, Paulette!

Thank you to our Food Sponsors for coming out. They do not charge for their services, and we are grateful to call them our friends. Please support them when making your lunch and dinner plans. They do this every year without asking for any payment from Calvary.

Team Sponsors, please be on the lookout for your private invite that we will be sending out for next year’s tournament around May/June of 2023. We are grateful for your generosity and look forward to having you back next year.

2021 was an exciting year for Calvary!

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Your support over the last 55 years has helped to ensure generations of children have a safe, loving, Christian environment where each child is presented with the opportunity and resources to rebuild their foundation, begin the process of overcoming the hurt and disappointments of their past and begin building towards a brighter future.

Your support helps us to deliver on our promise to make each child feel safe, loved, and to help them acknowledge the difficulty of their individual situations.

2021 was an exciting year for Calvary!

  • Calvary served the long-term residential needs of 25 children and Transitional Residents.
  • Calvary Children’s Home takes no state or federal funding and operates 100% debt free.
  • Grand Opening of our fourth children’s cottage-this will allow us to expand Calvary’s outreach to the children who need our help.
  • Four high school graduates-two entered college, one young man enlisted in the United States Navy and has completed basic training, one has entered the full-time work force.
  • 1 Senior at Kennesaw State University
  • One of our Transitional Residents has enrolled at Champions Bible College and begins classes in January of 2022.
  • One child has received a full scholarship to North Cobb Christian School.
  • One of our Transitional Residents is on task to complete a FAA mechanics certification program.
  • 6 children participated in organized team sports with 2 participating in the arts.
  • Calvary provided/procured over 25,000 meals to feed our children.
  • 6 children received orthodontic care.
  • Over 100 medical appointments provided.
  • 1500 hours tutoring provided.
  • 728 counseling/therapy hours provided.
  • 3 children, 15 or older, working part-time.
  • 6 children on A/B honor roll.
Fall Newsletter 2021

Calvary is grateful for the support of our friends. With your continued support Our goal is to multiply Calvary’s impact in the community by bringing more children into care and by expanding existing programs to make a generational impact in the lives of our children and the communities they live in.

Psalm 118:23

“This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.”

16th Annual Christmas Tree Sale

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Before buying your Christmas tree this season, consider where the profit goes from the money you spend. 

Our Campus Director, Brian Busby, will be hosting our annual Christmas tree sale on our Children’s Home campus, located at 1430 Lost Mountian Road, Powder Springs, GA 30127,  which will open on the Friday, after Thanksgiving, November 27th.  The proceeds will help support the children’s church and Home activities, as well as special trips and programs throughout the year.

If you need a Christmas tree, or would like to donate a tree to a needy family this Christmas season, please contact Brian Busby at 404-731-1500 for pricing or any additional information.

If service is in your heart this Christmas, feel free to sign up to help serve.

Lot Hours:
Nov. 26th (Friday after Thanksgiving)
9:00 am – 9:00 pm

Mondays-Fridays 3:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Saturdays 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Sundays 12:30 pm – 6:30 pm

This is a great opportunity for families to serve together, Sunday school groups and businesses to serve together and High/Middle School students to get service hours.  They need all levels of skill and strength to get through this Christmas season.  Please take a prayerful moment to decide if you may be able to help and volunteer!

Click here To Sign Up & Serve

A New Addition to Campus!

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We are expanding….

Calvary has been blessed to add a fourth cottage to our campus. Calvary’s girls will be moving into the new cottage, allowing us to centralize and expand our Transitional Program residents into the current girl’s cottage. The additional capacity to Calvary’s program will create additional space for up to 12 children who need our long-term plan of care.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Psalm 118:23 “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes”

View our most recent construction photos.

A Time To Remember

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This time of the year provides the perfect opportunity to stop long enough to consider the many ways we’ve been blessed both individually and as a nation. However, rather than our hearts being turned to God and His goodness, its true meaning can quickly get lost in good food, big games, a nap on the sofa or preparation for the big shopping day that follows.

With so much to be thankful for it almost seems wrong to single out just one day for “thanksgiving.” Yet, because of full schedules and busy lives, perhaps it really is needed after all. It does remind us to express the gratitude that we feel but too often goes unspoken. At Calvary we never want to be guilty of failing to tell you how very much your kindness and faithful support mean to us. 

Our gratitude isn’t just for the gifts you give but for the encouragement you provide. We frequently receive notes of encouragement and support for the children and staff. The thoughtfulness behind this is even greater evidence of your kindness and a welcome reminder of how blessed we are because of you. 

Through the grace of God and your support we have seen our children graduate from high school, college and one graduating from basic training in the US Marine Corps at Parris Island, SC. This is not only a great blessing to us but also a wonderful example to the younger children who follow them. This is tremendous evidence of your compassion and the help of a loving God over the past fifty-two years that we have been able to offer them a safe, loving home.

A simple “thank you” can never fully express the depth from which it is spoken. God has blessed us by allowing us to be a part of your Thanksgiving. It is also a much-needed message of encouragement to some children who have had to face some very difficult times. They can see there is an abundance of good in their life if they will look for it. We remind them the Lord is there to pick them up when feeling alone or uncared for (Psalm 27:10) – and through you they see the truth of His Word.

Thank you for showing our children the true purpose of Thanksgiving – being thankful for blessings, even though some of them may not look like a blessing initially! We are reminded to give thanks in all things. It is a lesson we teach and one we seek to model. We are grateful for your giving us another reason.

Car Donation

Caring families donating their used vehicles also supports our children. Calvary Children’s Home gratefully accepts gifts of used cars, trucks and boats. If you would like to arrange any donation please click on the link below.

Donate Your Car


It is now possible to conveniently support Calvary year-round. Gifts of $25, $50, $100 or more on a continuing basis will make a difference in our children’s lives. These gifts help with our daily needs such as food, clothing, education and medical needs

Donate Now


Calvary Children’s Home wants to help all kids.  Feel free to call or email and we can try and answer any questions you may have.  We are hear to serve you and love your support.

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