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James, Our Marine

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James came to Calvary when he was twelve years old with enough family challenges to sink even a mighty ship. By God’s grace and the help of some marvelous friends, he matured and thrived as part of the Calvary family.

James graduated from Hillgrove High School in May of this year. Three months later, he joined the United States Marine Corps. James is musically inclined and often sat at the piano in his cottage to play and sing. We miss James and his joy echoing down our hallways. We are truly thankful the Lord shared him with us for a season. You were a vital part of his life and we hope you are as proud of him as we are!

He wrote from boot camp to express his sincere need for a burger. He also expressed concerns his Drill Sergeant may have “anger management issues”.

James returned home to Calvary for a few days after graduating from basic training on Parris Island, November 16th 2018. His desire was to spend time with his “Calvary Family” before reporting to his next duty station. Calvary is his home and family. Thank you for helping provide a safe, caring home for this remarkable young man. We couldn’t do it without the love and support of friends like you!

Car Donation

Caring families donating their used vehicles also supports our children. Calvary Children’s Home gratefully accepts gifts of used cars, trucks and boats. If you would like to arrange any donation please click on the link below.

Donate Your Car


It is now possible to conveniently support Calvary year-round. Gifts of $25, $50, $100 or more on a continuing basis will make a difference in our children’s lives. These gifts help with our daily needs such as food, clothing, education and medical needs

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Calvary Children’s Home wants to help all kids.  Feel free to call or email and we can try and answer any questions you may have.  We are hear to serve you and love your support.

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2018 Graduates

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We are excited to have three of our students graduate this year.  Edwin and James graduated from high school and Nick received his Associate’s Degree from Georgia Highlands College.  James will be leaving for the United States Marine Corps in August.  We are very proud of all three of these young men who have been with us for several years.  They’ve reached this milestone and it has been a joy to have them as part of the Calvary family.

Edwin McKenzie graduated from Hillgrove Highschool this May.  Edwin has been a beloved resident of our children’s home for more than ten years.  When thanking our many supporters, we often say it takes a multitude of caring hearts to shoulder the precious load of a child’s life whose parents are not able to care for them.  Edwin is a picture of all that those caring hearts have accomplished.  Edwin is a gracious and compassionate young man who is gifted athletically.  We have loved watching him catch those touchdown passes, hit those home runs and guard that basketball rim. His coaches, sponsors, teachers and our staff all share in our pride as we watch this young man grow.


Edwin is going to attend Chattahoochee Technical College in the Fall. He is unsure of his career pursuits at this time but is certain he wants to do his best and find what the Lord created him for.  We love you Edwin and are so proud that you are a part of our family!

James Toland Brown also graduated from Hillgrove Highschool with Edwin this May.  James faced enough challenges in his childhood to sink a mighty ship.  By God’s great Grace instead, he is sailing beautifully.  James enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and leaves for boot camp in late August.  James has long been a very popular child with our other residents.  He is a “you first”, kind of guy who has taught himself how to play the guitar and is working on some piano skills.  James songs have echoed through our hallways for years and we will surely miss him when he leaves. James has a unique laugh that is priceless to us.  When James is laughing, we all laugh with him.

James intends to return to Calvary on his breaks from the Marines which makes our hearts smile.  This will always be home James!

James brought to our home contagious joy. We love you and could not be more proud of your decision to serve our Country.

CBS46 Surprise Squad Honors Group Helping Kids

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Congratulations to Snyder & Marsha Turner and all the wonderful people that make Calvary Children’s Home the place it is today! Our friend Dr. Nelson Price nominated Snyder for CBS46 Atlanta’s Surprise Squad recognition! Thanks for making a difference in our community!

2017 Graduates

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We are extremely proud of the strength of character shown in these young lives. They have demonstrated a love for God, others, their country, a respect for authority and the willingness to give to those in need. For their example, we stand in admiration and applaud!

(Hillgrove High) KENNY is a 17-year-old senior who is athletic and charming. He plays football, basketball and is on Hillgrove’s track team. Kenny is the only child in Calvary’s history to throw a touchdown pass to another one of our residents in a high school game. He has given us a multitude of proud moments like that one and is eager to chase after the dreams God has given him. By God’s grace, he is college bound and has a very strong inner drive. From the moment he walked on our campus at twelve years old, he pushed himself to excel in his studies and athletics. It has been our privilege to watch him grow and be a part of his adventures!

(Hillgrove High) NOAH is an 18-year-old graduate with a special sense of humor. Coupled with his wit, his calm demeanor made him a campus favorite for our other children. Noah played football in high school and is always up for a pickup game of basketball. He also distinguished himself as a gentleman in his home and absolutely never let the house mother carry anything if he was around. Years of lightening her load will never be forgotten. He has ambitions of becoming a physical therapist and starts college in the fall with those pursuits in mind. He has been a blessing to our Home, so we cannot wait to see how the Lord uses him to help others.

(Hillgrove High) WYATT came to Calvary when he was only five years old. On his first school morning at Calvary, he stretched in bed and told his house parent, “I just don’t think I am going to school today.” Much to his tiny heart’s displeasure, he was informed that to be great you must, with God’s help, push through the parts of life that strain us. Watching him graduate all these years later is a special moment for us. It represents a host of people and a God that believed deeply in him. Wyatt is very gifted with his hands and is a fixer of all things broken. He is a computer whiz and hopes after college to work in a technology field. (Only just a few more years of education, Wyatt!)

(Grace Christian) MICAH is a senior graduating from Grace Christian Academy. He is the son of Allen and Tammy Young who have been our younger boy’s house parents for several years. Micah has selflessly shared his parents with a host of tiny body’s of energy, messes and bright hopes for most of his childhood. He played football and baseball in high school and is currently considering a future in law enforcement. He is enrolled in the Cobb County Explorers program. Micah is a fine young man, and we very pleased to have him as part of our Calvary family.

Look what you did!

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Through the years we have been blessed by the gifts and support of many friends. That support has taken many forms and as you will notice in this edition of our Newsletter, one of the most meaningful is by way of a memorial gift. As the loved one is honored with a permanent reminder on our campus, lives are being given opportunities they may not have had otherwise.

A perfect example of your impact is in the life of Jennifer. She came to this new place called Calvary when she was three years old. Almost seventeen years later, she received her degree from Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, FL. Later that same year, I had the privilege (along with Brian Busby, our Campus Director, who walked her down the aisle) of performing her wedding ceremony to a wonderful young Christian man. Because of your help, she was able to complete her education without having to incur a mountain of student loans. Our goal is for them to be able to begin their new life in an adult world without indebtedness. That is second only to their having a personal relationship with the Lord.

She went to work in a women’s shelter and then moved on to working and training for the local family and children services department. In the latest photo, she recently received notice that she successfully completed her certi cation as a child protective investigator. From a frightened, beautiful three year old girl needing a home during some trying times, to a con dent, successful young lady deeply involved in helping children nd hope and safety, she has found her purpose and place to serve. Through God’s grace, your support, Jennifer’s commitment, and the dedicated staff at Calvary, let me simply say

—Look what you did!

Commemorative Brick Program

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In response to requests by several of our friends, we are pleased to revive our commemorative brick program.

For your tax-deductible memorial/honor gift of $125, we will recognize your loved one or friend with a beautiful commemorative brick proudly displayed on our campus.

The bricks will serve as a constant source of encouragement to the children of Calvary and a reminder for years to come of the commitment and generosity of the individuals, churches and organizations that have helped provide a home for our children while honoring the life of the one remembered.

We will acknowledge your gift with a personal letter and receipt. Also, their name, as well as yours, will be included in a subsequent newsletter to acknowledge your thoughtful gift. This can be initiated through a check or online giving by visiting our website at

You can conveniently complete your Commemorative Brick donation by clicking on this link and completing the form.  If you have any questions please call us at 770-794-1500 or email to